Sunday, March 29, 2020

Are you getting ready to graduate later this year or in 2021 and start looking for a Job? Prepare not Panic applies here too!

A recession is surely on the anvil, thanks to the global economic ramifications of the Covid-19. This is part of life. It might have happened during your mid career or when you needed a job most, because of a situation at home. The good thing is the cyclical nature of this, which means the dark clouds have to move and will. 

Losing hope means, having lost half the battle. It is important during trying times to use all the equanimity, calmness, patience, positivity, love, friendship and hope that we can muster from within ourselves.  Is this a trying time for you? maybe, may be not, one cannot say for sure. Any creative destruction creates as many new opportunities as it destroys old. The operative word is 'new'. In my experience, when a recession happens, organisations are forced to become more effective and efficient to survive. In this scenario anyone who is bringing to the table any skill sets or knowledge that will support the increase in effectiveness, efficiency, productivity will not have a difficulty getting placed as long as one is clear how one can add value and where. 

The ideas of a dream company, dream career are good to have, as it clarifies what one is seeking, however, being stubborn is quite different from being tenacious. Careers, career goals are life time commitments and not some instant gratification to aim for, that many are used to in other areas of life. It is common to have a circuitous route to our life goals/ ambition. Give yourself time and add 4-5 years when there is a severe recession and remember that while you had nothing to do with it, you need to endure it. Yes, Everyone knows the world is not a fair place.  One semester or a year at college seems like a long time, however, it is really a very minuscule part of work life and even smaller part of life. It is important to have the right perspective about time an.d understand that losing a year is not the end of anything, just a minor bump. 

Lots of research suggests that most of you will have 4-5 distinct careers in your lifetime at the minimum. That is a function of pace of change in everything. At a simplest level, Arun is a qualified computer professional, who is interested in perspective drawing also. He can be employee as a computer engineer, then a designer with an architect using advanced software tools for 3D rendering and someday make a app or software for architects as an entrepreneur. Most careers will span a variety of industries and type of work. 

 The way to prepare for this is to think like explorers and be as fearless of uncharted paths. Learning to learn, learning to fail, calmness of mind, adaptability while sticking to values,  will be  a few  critical skills in making a career.

Delays should be used productively to enhance employability rather than wasted in worrying about things one cannot control. Do that additional online course, attend the industry conference, improve physical fitness and stamina ( applies to more young people than you might imagine), learn to meditate or and about mindfulness, while being proficient in your chosen field and keeping in touch with the frontiers of knowledge in that domain. 

A common thought pattern is thinking about how delays will impact opportunities to support parents, pay off the loan, get married, support a sibling and such very natural worries. We must remember we cannot wish away the recession and it is important to have the right attitude, composure and energy to land in that first job. Parents don't expect anything from you. They created and nurtured you for their pleasure, so the imagined debts are only that, imagined. This is not to suggest you ignore them, however, as natural well wishers they understand your situation and intentions better than anyone else. In case you need support after college and before you get a job, don't be anxious, ask ! Yes, there is nothing wrong with that at all. The best way to contribute to your parents well being is to show maturity, understand the bigger picture, remain positive, as it is most unlikely they will want anything but your happiness. This also calls for learning how to be happy as that is a choice! 

 In a lifetime there are numerous occasions and situations when deadlines get extended and we need to adjust.  Don't delay getting married( or even making a commitment)  if you are already committed, as, in a recession, two people can support each other, something that will help both. Don't delay that travel plan to your grandparents. Don't stop going to the Gym to save some monies until you are replacing that with some serious jogging and Yoga. Don't crib on spending on things you will need as a professional, maybe a book, instrument, or attire.

We need to succeed in our personal realm and also professional realm. These are different.  It is wrong to assume that our personal success is entirely dependent on our professional success. I think being successful in personal life is far more important, as  professional life is a smaller part of the wheel of life.  Within a career we must be clear about the the difference between Job, Career and work. Job or occupation is a regular activity you do ( like going to office and performing some tasks) in exchange for a salary. Career is the total growth in your professional life, and can include many jobs over many years, for example a career in advertising or structural engineering. Work is a broader term than Job and includes all the activities and efforts to meet a goal. The point is, we need to look at a career which is the more important aspect of life.Just as a cherry on top, I can share that many successful people have had chequered careers! 

Money is important but not everything. That's what you must have heard your parents say to you. Relationships are more important than money, however, in a recession our attitude towards money might need a tweak. Look for value not brands. Save for the rainy day and understand the power of compounding. Being careful with money is an attitude or thrift is an attitude everyone must have in a recession the length or frequency of which is anyone's guess. 

 Like having the right attitude about money, it is also important to have the right attitude about failure. Something I see many young people don't. What qualifies to be a failure? Does delay in finding a job qualify as a failed life? Did the guy who got campus placed succeed more than those who did not get placed in that month? We have all learnt about failure being the stepping stone to success. We must believe it at this juncture and if you have doubts go through the life story of anyone who has achieved success (whatever you think that is). 

Worst case, assume you really failed at something, then remember two things 1. happiness is not a function of success or failure, its a choice 2. 'Failure takes away the inessentials in you' Dr Thirunarayan. That means you must concentrate on the essentials which is skills, knowledge, attitude, searching efficiently and effectively for placement .....I am sure you got the drift...basically concentrate on the 'core' 

Before you start your journey it is important to understand some basic theoretical concepts ( theory is built from the experience of many or experiments and is not some boring stuff!). Try to read about these to help you navigate your career and understand that its not a one time decision or a quick fix.

  1. Career Construction theory - dont miss the paragraph about 5 C's of career construction  

These will help you understand stuff about careers and life that they don't teach you in class and will help you when looking for a career opportunity during a recession. 

Unpaid internships are quite common in the USA and might become common in India this year on, am not for it, after graduating, however, in extraordinary situations, might be worth a consideration. Usually those who are found useful will get employment and the experience valuable, however there are also employers who exploit the situation and we should be able to identify those. 

Getting prepared to launch a career in such a situation is going beyond the degree credentials and using the time to develop some real practical skills hard and soft, and, most importantly the right mind set and attitude. Panic or anxiety might appear as natural responses in this situation, however, will be counterproductive, you need to take control, show your real mettle, and, never hesitate to ask for help. 

All the  very best  for a reasonable start to your career, remember, those who complete the hardships in the beginning, will have it relatively easy later on. That is true, Ask anyone who has been through life!  

Also, be happy, it works for everyone!

Dear Reader, Do share your insights, even if very different from my views,  on the subject in the comments section below....It will surely help younger readers


  1. Dear Sudharkar sir,
    Regret the delayed reply. Read the article again and again from various perspectives (placing myself in various roles).
    Right from the imminent moving away o the dark clouds,...the 'newness' induced by creative destruction, the need to focus on acquiring/ enhancing competencies,...personal success and happiness over professional success, parents' expectations from their budding children,...attitude towards 'unpaid internships'....!!!
    ....the write-up couldn't have been more comprehensive than this.
    Am sure you would agree with me that it has to be translated to Kannada and published in regional dailies or weeklies so that the rural students benefit from the reading.
    Regards, Jyothi Vijay

  2. Very well written. The Pandemic has really created a panic, both present and future. The worst of it is for the new graduates. Of course, this is just a pause not an end. Patience is the key during these testing times.

  3. Very nice! True.. we should not link happiness with work...we will lose our inner strength.. especially likes how you have told the difference between job, work and career. I also think that this article should be read often. As humans we tend to forget once things change...

  4. Very nice! True.. we should not link happiness with work...we will lose our inner strength.. especially likes how you have told the difference between job, work and career. I also think that this article should be read often. As humans we tend to forget once things change...
